My name is Elisabete,
I am a wife and a mom.
I am also an Image Consultant and Stylist thats my other job.
I love what I do! Not talking about being a wife and a mom because that is for sure the most important and gratifying thing I do.
Talking about my other job - Image consultant.... I love what I do! I really do. I dedicate so much love to this job as well. I believe thats the only way. If you love what you do, you are instantly successful, and life opens up a galaxy of opportunities.
I believe in learning, studying, reading devouring knowledge by talking to all sorts of people from all backgrounds.
I look to improve everyday to add something new not only become a better stylist but most importantly a better person.
"Love yourself first".
Who am I?
How do I want to be perceived?
These are the 2 most important questions I ask myself and people I work with.
Finding out who we really are, takes time, courage and a lot of love. Sometimes, it takes a life time.
Deciding how we want to be perceived can make us think of who we really are and help us get the answer sooner.
Our closets give plenty of hints and messages.
If we take the time to learn more about ourselves, our bodies, our colors we will be closer and closer to the answers.
The identity process is a wonderful experience where we learn so much about ourselves and realize we all do have wonderful capabilities and we are all good at something.
Hiring an image consultant is an investment that pays of for the rest of your life.
Looks do matter we deserve to look always our best.
We were given these bodies to take care, good care, to love and respect and looking always your best is a way of doing that.
Glam Your Image does just that. We help you "Match Who You Are".
Glam Your Image with Love <3